'Orange Elf' rose References
Website/Catalog (2012) Website
Orange Elf, Cl Min, ob, 1960, [Golden Glow × Zee], Moore, Ralph S.; bud pointed; flowers orange, fading lighter, small, 25 petals, slight fragrance; growth vigorous, climbing growth; trailer or groundcover
Book (2011) Page(s) 105. Sherri Berglund: Rose Sleuth Fred Boutin. 'Orange Elf'. Found in Monterey County, California, this unknown miniature rose was given to Fred by the Rose Ranch Nursery. Fred's familiarity with many of Ralph Moore's roses provided the key to his identification of it.
Book (1994) Page(s) 138. Ross Heathcote. Climbing Miniature Roses. Orange Elf 1959, (Moore): Flowers start as an orange bud but fade on opening. As I grew it, its canes were not sturdy and hence had to be tied up, rather than down. When writing about it many years ago I mentioned that it would make a good ground cover - long before "ground cover" roses hit the scene.
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 422. Orange Elf Climbing Miniature, orange, fading lighter, 1959, 'Golden Glow (LCl)' x 'Zee'; Moore, R.S. Description.
Book (1962) Page(s) 15. Roy and Heather Rumsey, NSW. New Roses Orange Elf Climbing Miniature. A profuse blooming orange. About two feet six inches.