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'Doctor Hooker' rose References
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 351.  
Hooker, Dr. (HP) G. Paul 1876; Duke of Edinburgh X ? ; scarlet-crimson, shaded violet, large, double, growth 7/10.
Book  (1902)  Page(s) 135.  
Hybrides Remontants. Groupe J. — Charles Lefebvre
Ainsi que nous le disons plus haut, les rosiers de ce groupe ont beaucoup d'analogie avec ceux du précédent [Mme Victor Verdier groupe]. Rameaux brunâtres, lisses, aiguillons gros, rares; feuille très grande; fleur pleine, imbriquée, de coloris foncés variant du rouge au rouge noir.
4508. Doctor Hooker... (G. Paul 1876)... rouge.
Website/Catalog  (1886)  Page(s) 79.  
General Collection. Hybrid Perpetuals.
Dr. Hooker. Rich scarlet crimson, shaded with violet
Book  (1882)  Page(s) 9.  
Dr. Hooker... Hybride Perpétuel. Paul et fils. 1876 Cramoisi vif. Fleur moyenne. Plante moyenne.
Book  (1882)  Page(s) 173-4.  
Duke of Edinburgh Type.—The only English rose which is the head of a type was sent out by George Paul in 1868. The habit of growth is much like that of Jacqueminot, but the foliage is generally longer and larger. The flowers are not permanent in color, burning very quickly in the sun, and are very sparsely produced in the autumn. It is a very beautiful family when grown in a moist, cool climate; but there are few of the members that will do well under our hot sun. The varieties best known, mostly of recent origin, are: Brightness of Cheshunt, Dr. Hooker, Duke of Connaught, Duke of Teck, Robert Marnock, S. Reynolds Hole, Sultan of Zanzibar, The Shah.
Magazine  (Aug 1877)  Page(s) 125.  
REVUE DES ROSES NOUVELLES DE 1876. Hybrides remontants.
Docteur Hooker (Paul & son). Très grande fleur pleine carmin nuancé violet.
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