'KORastor' rose Reviews & Comments
Available from - Menagerie Farm & Flower https://menagerieflower.com/
The Canadian Rose Annual (1992) states: "ALENCIA (KORDES' ROSE VALENCIA), HT (Kordes int '89 NR) (Jana x Whisky Mac), (ab), copper yellow, 36 petals, Durbanville GM '89, Edland Medal for Fragrance '89. Cochran (2 pis 2 yrs 4.5-5' CA): Dark golden yellow, golden amber reverse. I'm impressed with overall performance, lovely bud opens into beautiful exhibition bloom, excellent substance, very fragrant. My test plants froze last winter, thrilled they grew back and bloomed. Upright branching growth habit, dark green leathery foliage, no disease. Heaslip (1 pi 1 yr 3' BC): Unusual yellowish apricot colour, very large exhibition form bloom, good substance, strong fragrance. Compact grower, no disease. Laidlaw (1 pi 1 yr 3.5' ON): Glowing amber colour fades to pale amber, large double perfect exhibition blooms but not enough of them, excellent substance. Love the colour and fragrance, hopefully more bloom when better established. Slight blackspot. "
I am not sure which 'Jana' they are referring to.
For my zone 7 garden Valencia grows 6 feet tall and 5 feet wide. Its flowers are stunning and produced in large numbers. However, the rose requires regular spraying and still may defoliate. But it comes back with alacrity. Very pretty, but not much in the way of scent.
It was fertile as a pollen parent.
Syn.'Koreklia', 'New Valencia' Bellissima Rosa a cespuglio Ibrido Tea, a portamento compatto/eretto. Fogliame lucido, verde medio. Fiori a gambo lungo, md/grandi, giallo intenso con ombre albicocca e ambra, solitari. Fragranza deliziosa e forte, di Rosa Antica. Resistente a freddo, malattie. Rifiorente. H.90cm L.60cm. Premiata con RHS/RNRS Award of Garden Merit. (ROSACEAE) (Reimer Kordes, Wilhelm Kordes' S., Germania, 1989)