'Mademoiselle Joséphine Malton' rose References
Book (2001) Page(s) 203. "The many supposed synonyms formerly reported ('Alba Rosea', 'Adèle Pradel, etc. etc.) appear not to be synonyms at all, but rather now extinct rose varieties in their own right."
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 51. Mme Bravy ('Alba Rosea', 'Adèle Pradel', 'Danzille', 'Isidore Malton', 'Mme Denis', 'Mme de Sertot', 'Mme Maurin') Tea. Guillot père, 1845. [Author cites information from different sources. Interesting entries about the origin of the rose and it was named for the wife of G. Bravy, of the Société d'Horticulture de l'Hérault.]
Book (1936) Page(s) 449. Malton, Joséphine (Bengale) Guérin ca. 1830; cream, center orange, large, double, broad
Book (1899) Page(s) 87. Joséphine Malton, Bengale, crême
Magazine (1889) Page(s) 283. The following Roses bracketed together have been regarded as synonymous, according to the rule adopted by the National Rose Society; and the name standing first in each case, being believed to be the original name, is considered for the purpose of the preceding Digest as the ruling name of the Rose. (Madame Bravy (Madame de Sertot (Alba Rosea (Josephine Malton
Book (1884) Page(s) 13. Josephine Malton. Yellowish white bloom, center tending to yellowish red, the edges of the petals occasionally shaded salmon-red ; large and very double, flat cup form. Excellent rose, but not frost hardy.
Book (1880) Page(s) Annex, p. 65. tea, china, Joséphine Malton, yellowish white, center yellowish red, large, double, flat cup form
Magazine (1853) Page(s) Annex p. 24, Annex2 p. 16. Annex, p. 24: EXPOSITION DES 10, 11, 12, 13 ET 14 MARS 1853... M. Fontaine (François), Horticulteur, Rue de la Fontaine, 12, à Chatillon, Près Fontenay-aux-Roses, banlieue de Paris (Seine). Rosier Bengale. 1665 Joséphine Malton.
Annex2, p. 16: EXPOSITION DES 9, 10, 11, 12 ET 13 JUIN 1853... M. Paillet, Horticulteur, Rue d'Austerlitz, 41, à Paris. Rosiers. 1110 Joséphine Malton (Thé).
Magazine (May 1852) Page(s) 236. VINGT-TROISIÈME EXPOSITION DE FLEURS, FRUITS ET LÉGUMES, ET OBJETS D'ART ET D'INDUSTRIE HORTICOLES, les 25, 26, 27 et 28 Mars 1852, AU PALAIS DU LUXEMBOURG , GALERIE DU MIDI.... M. FONTAINE (FRANÇOIS), horticulteur, rue de la Fontaine, 12, à Châtillon , près Fontenay-aux-Roses (Seine). Bengales. 2002 Joséphine Malton.
Magazine (1852) Page(s) Annex p. 23, 40. Exposition de 10, 11, 12 et 13 Juin 1852.... Annex, p. 23: M. Dupuy-Jamain, Pépiniériste-Horticulteur, 59, Barrière Fontainebleau (extra muros). FLEURS COUPÉES. Rosiers Thé. 1481 Joséphine Malton.
Annex, p. 40: M. Fontaine ( François ) , Horticulteur à Châtillon-sur-Seine, près Fontenay-aux-Roses, Rue de la Fontaine, 12. ...ROSES COUPÉES. Thés. 2580 Joséphine Malton.