"Bishop's Lodge Reginald Halse" rose Reviews & Comments
I'm told this rose may be the same as "B L Reginald Halse".
Certainly seems possible - is your source reliable enough that you feel we should combine the two?
Yes, it was one of the Friends of Bishop's Lodge.
Done, thanks Margaret
From the references I am gleaning hints that "Reginald Halse" repeats a little, and that "Sweet November" is spring only. Also hints that "Reginald Halse" was tall, and that "Sweet November" is lower.
Margaret - are you happy that the rose you have photographed in the HelpMefind file (given to you as cuttings by Coleen Houston) is that of "Reginald Halse". You were once concerned that they were semi-double-ish and the growth initially seemed to be that of a climber. Brenda Weir in 1992 said the growth of "Reginald Halse" was similar to 'Paul Neyron'.
I no longer have this plant of Reginald Halse, and was a little uncertain about it at the time. The cutting from it at Renmark will be replaced. The information that Sweet November is the same as Reginald Halse came from Val.
Thanks Margaret. Val is right there at Hay and it is good that she she has been able to recognise that "Sweet November and "Reginald Halse" are the same rose. That's one less to puzzle over.