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'Dad Sterling' rose References
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 681.  
Sterling, Dad (HT) Türke 1910 [J. C. Schmidt]; Testout X Maréchal Niel; salmon and isabella-yellow, center reddish, base yellow, very large, well double, fine form, fragrance 7/10, floriferous, repeats, long stems, large foliage (Niel), growth 7/10, climbing, 1 m.
Website/Catalog  (1925)  Page(s) 83.  
Hybrid Tea Roses...Dad Sterling (Hybrid Tea). Vigorous. Isabella-yellow bloom with slightly reddish centre. 'Dad Sterling' is similar to 'Maréchal Niel' in habit and arming. Floriferous...Low-grafted garden plants 1 piece G.-M. [Gold-Mark] -.80  standards

[no longer listed in the 1929 catalogue]
Magazine  (1 Jun 1912)  Page(s) 88-89.  
DAD STERLING (J. C. Schmidt, 1911). Hybride de thé .— Madame Caroline Testout x Maréchal Niel. Arbuste très vigoureux et très florifère. Fleur grande, bien pleine, de forme parfaite, jaune isabelle à centre rougeàtre.
Magazine  (1912)  Page(s) 111.  
DAD STERLING, issue de Caroline Testout X Maréchal Niel (H. Thé); Schmidt, obt
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