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'RSM B0' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 73-613
most recent 19 AUG 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 19 AUG 13 by goncmg
Grew this one once, late 80's into early 90's, wish I could say it made some huge impression but no, it didn't. Probably best claim to fame is being the parent of April Hamer. Clearly an effort at release/inception to make Queen Eizabeth WHITE and and probably it came close. Or closer than yellow (Golden Girl) or or (Comanche, Starfire) or red (El Capitan, Roundelay)..................listed as one of my favorites, just tonight looked and saw NOBODY GROWS THIS IN THE US! And now I need it. Recall 40 years ago it being listed only at Henry Fields, Interstate and Gurney mail order (back in those good ol' days when the rose you bought from them was actually THE ROSE YOU WANTED). It did stay in the garden centers a little recollection of this one is a GOOD rose, a BIG rose, better than June Bride, not as useful or memorable as Iceberg, very close to a white Queen Elizabeth..................very 1962................and that GR class! Useless. But a mark in the US in rose history, no doubt. Just read an old ARS Annual and think it was 88 or 89........discussing the GR's and how 54/55 and QE hitting the market blew these up. Article mentioned Hector Deane being reclassed in 71, mentioned that Floradora, QE's DAD, itself is a candidate, mentioned Buccaneer released in 52 as defining the class prior to QE (but released as an HT).................made no mention of CARROUSEL (52) !!!!????? Highly rated for YEARS and still maybe so? ................oh the GR class! I could go on forever. Cherry Vanilla, Melody Parfumee and Buccaneer are actually PILLARS or SHRUBS...................Love and Prominent are actually small HT's.................Tournament of Roses and Ole are Floribundas..................could go on and on and hope to do so in Carlsbad in November!
Discussion id : 70-006
most recent 10 FEB 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 10 FEB 13 by monica.cavina
Available from - vivaverde Az.Agr. Cavina Monica
Discussion id : 69-868
most recent 2 FEB 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 2 FEB 13 by Unregistered Guest
Available from -
Discussion id : 7-849
most recent 20 MAR 05 SHOW ALL
Initial post 17 MAR 05 by Gwendolyn Gallagher
I have seen this rose described as strongly fragrant and as slightly fragrant. Would anyone with experience with this rose comment on the fragrance? Also does anyone grow it in a cold climate? Thanks.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 20 MAR 05 by Unregistered Guest
I have a Mount Shasta and I would describe the scent as a medium fragrance. It isn't faint but it also isn't what I would call strong.
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