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'Rosa subcanina Dalla Torre & Sarnth.' rose References
Book  (2001)  Page(s) 542.  Includes photo(s).
Rosa vosagiaca agg. Vogesen-Rose, Rosier des Vosges, Rosa dei Vosgi. Foliage glabrous on both sides, singly or doubly serrated. Strong prickles, hook-like on blooming brancxhes. Petioles usually not pubescent, but with glands and often also with sickle-shaped prickles. Petioles glabrous. Blooms light to deep pink. Sepals persistent until fruit ripens. June. Hedges, forest edges, hilly-mountaneous (sub-alpine). R. glauca Vill., Blaugrüne Rose.

Rosa subcanina (Christ) D.T. et Sarnth. Pedicels somewhat elongated. Also style often somewhat elongated, less pubescent than R. vosagiaca s. str. Sepals reflexed after blooming, later partly upright. Hilly-mountaneous areas. 2n= 35. R. afzeliana Fr. ssp. subcanina (Christ) Keller
Book  (2000)  Page(s) 235.  Includes photo(s).
Rosa subcanina (H. Christ) R. Keller. Falsche Hunds-Rose. Chracteristics between Rosa canina L. and Rosa dumalis Bechst. and having all imaginable characteristic combinations.
Book  (1996)  Page(s) 107.  
R. subcanina a form of R. canina
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