'Scouts Honour' rose References
Website/Catalog (27 Dec 2018) Includes photo(s). Scouts Honour™ Meivenerie Soft white and lemon double blooms.....
Magazine (Mar 2008) Page(s) 72. Registration 'Meivanery', LCl, ly, 2007, (Full Moon Rising) ... description
Magazine (Oct 2007) Page(s) 41. 2008 New Rose Introductions
Book (2007) Full Moon Rising™ 'Meivanery' Large-flowered Climber, light yellow, 2007 Meilland Internat'l. Intro.: Conard-Pyle Comany, 2007. Sport of Polka 'Meitosier'
Book (2005) Page(s) 99. Corporate Roses. 2005 Meilland Rose Releases. 'Scouts Honor' . (Code: Venerie) . Floribunda. Soft white and lemon double blooms, cluster thickly over this excellent floribunda rose. Dark green, abundant foliage makes an attractive, shapely shrub. Healthy, free flowering and topped with a delightfully sweet lemon fragrance, this rose will certainly 'do it's best' in your garden or large container. Can be described as a "lemon" 'Bonica'. Height (approx) 1.2m. Width (approx) 1m.