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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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'Caribbean Dawn' rose References
Magazine  (Nov 2006)  Page(s) 47.  
'Korfeining', F, op, 2006, (Maxi Vita™) ... description
Website/Catalog  (2005)  Includes photo(s).
Award: Certificate of Merit
Name: MaxiVita
Type: floribunda rose
Habit: a ruffled uniform pink, so tidy that it sheds its petals as it ages
Breeder: W. Kordes Söhne, Sparrieshoop, Germany
Exhibitor: Treloar Roses, Vic
Book  (2004)  Page(s) 159.  
Treloar New Releases. 'MAXIVITA'. robust semi-double floribunda, blooms an orange-pink with a yellow base.
Book  (2004)  Page(s) 105.  Includes photo(s).
Maxi Vita® Description
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