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'Maybelle Stearns' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 160-686
most recent 18 FEB 24 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 18 FEB 24 by Bug_girl
Does anyone know how wide this gets? Is it really 6-8 feet wide?
Discussion id : 79-316
most recent 4 JUL 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 2 JUL 14 by leezen
Looking at the photos this rose's flower looks bigger than 1"?
Reply #1 of 3 posted 3 JUL 14 by Patricia Routley
They do. However the patent says the bloom is "medium sized". I would have thought 1" (quoted in the 2012 reference) was a small rose. Possibly the rose pictured is not 'Mabelle Stearns'. More references might be needed.

Later - after adding more references, it seems the bloom is quoted separately as 1" and 2-3".
We've changed the bloom size to the middle 2".
The only illustration I can find is in the 1971 reference and is a watercolour by Allianora Rosse. It seems to fit the references beautifully, but I hesitate to attach someone else's painting.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 3 JUL 14 by leezen
Thank you for researching this Patricia!
Reply #3 of 3 posted 4 JUL 14 by Patricia Routley
My pleasure leezen. It is just about my favourite thing to do.
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