'MEIpaonia' rose Reviews & Comments
Meilland's wholesale site http://pro.meillandrichardier.com describes Baby Romantica thus: 'fleurs originales en forme de renoncules d'un chaud coloris ocre suffusé de rose et blanc.' Two points to note: [1] the shape of the flower is that of a Turban Ranunculus (double-flowered forms of Ranunculus asiaticus), which I think is a good description [2] the basic colour is warm ochre-yellow, suffused with pink and white, which is certainly how it appears in the climate of northern France, though the yellow fades with age to give a more pink-and-white appearance as the flower dies away.
Thank you Charles. That is helpful. We have added this reference and these points to the 'Baby Romantica' page.
The photos of this represent it as a very strange rose, but I kind of like it. Its definitely unique and interesting, and the color is nice, too.
Can anyone comment on how it does for them?