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'Dee Dee Bridgewater ®' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 159-983
most recent 14 JAN 24 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 14 JAN 24 by Rusroza Pitomnik
Available from - RUSROZA, Nursery of Roses
Discussion id : 74-814
most recent 29 MAY 21 SHOW ALL
Initial post 30 OCT 13 by Michael Garhart
The rose looks coral pink, from all over the world. The description says carmine.

Reply #1 of 7 posted 22 OCT 15 by Patricia Routley
I am in the habit lately of scribbling down (on the back of the shopping list), any codes of roses that I see in my local Western Australian nursery that I think may be of interest. Yesterday I scribbled 'Marmelade Skies Cl.' MEItandar. Unfortunately I did not note the colour of any bloom, whether it was pink or orange. I've added this synonym but really do feel there has been a mix-up somewhere with the code names.
Reply #2 of 7 posted 27 MAY 21 by Johno
One would think there has been a mix up in roses. I would describe the colour as orange rather than the carmine pink described. Is the variation in colour showing in the photographs due to soil and/or climate? Screen shot from the Corporate Roses website where the colour is described as orange is attached. I was originally told that this was a sport of Marmalade Skies. Certainly when roses of both are put side by side they look identical. There is a great example of Climbing Marmalade Skies in a private garden, Birdwood, SA, where it completely fills the frame.
Reply #4 of 7 posted 27 MAY 21 by jedmar
Carmine-pink is incorrect. The description on the Meilland site is salmon-pink with coral-pink highlights. It is also stated that MEItandar is a sister rose (sibling) of 'Marmalade Skies', i,e, it is not a sport.
Reply #5 of 7 posted 27 MAY 21 by Johno
Yes, I had picked it up by Corporate Roses' sister description that it may not be a sport.
Can we assume it came out of the same cross?
Reply #8 of 7 posted 28 MAY 21 by jedmar
That's the way I understand the term "sister". Maybe Mathias Meilland will confirm?
Reply #9 of 7 posted 29 MAY 21 by Michael Garhart
I would be upset if it wasnt a sport, even if thats not what sister actually means. Specifically, I would be mad for abusing the name "Climbing such and such", when it truly isn't "such and such".
Reply #3 of 7 posted 27 MAY 21 by Michael Garhart
Im so dense. I only read 'Dee Dee Bridgewater'. If its a climbing mutation of Marmalade Skies, then its a matted-toned coral orange rose. MS lacks any luster or shine to the petals, and so comes off as a flat tone between coral pink and orange. I used to grow Marmalade Skies, and it's almost the same color as 'Artistry', except 'Artistry' darkens a but with sun and age.
Discussion id : 11-983
most recent 24 APR 06 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 24 APR 06 by Pixi
I afraid the picture loaded is not a Dee Dee Bridgewater. The registered rose is pink in color.
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