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"Old Red Runaround" rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 94-459
most recent 18 AUG 16 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 18 AUG 16 by AlanaSC
I would love a piece of this rose or where I could buy this rose from if anyone has it or knows where I could get it. Thanks!
Discussion id : 82-724
most recent 8 FEB 15 SHOW ALL
Initial post 26 JAN 15 by Patricia Routley
Is "Little Red Run Around" the same as "Mary Lawrance's Shell Rose"?
Reply #1 of 1 posted 8 FEB 15 by Tearose
There is a possibility of this. Fred Boutin mentioned ML's Shell Rose when discussing possible origins of Red Runaround. He also mentioned Thomas Rivers' Ayrshire hybrids, because RR has those very long, very thin canes that you see in Ayrshires. He also says there is Old Blush in Ayrshire roses, giving us the idea some are Hybrid Chinas.
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