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'Lavinia' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 123-746
most recent 7 NOV 20 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 7 NOV 20 by Viviane SCHUSSELE
Lavinia Mary Fitzalan-Howard, duchesse de Norfolk 1916-1995. Née Lawinia Mary Strutt
Discussion id : 74-336
most recent 30 SEP 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 30 SEP 13 by Renato Emma
Syn.'Lavinia', 'Tanklewi', 'Tanklevi'
Rosa rampicante Floribunda/Grandiflora, a portamento vigoroso, eretto, rigido, ben ramificato. Foglie verde scuro. Fiori grandi, rosa intenso, prodotti singolarmente o in mazzi. Fragranza intensa, dolce e fruttata. Resistente a freddo, smog e malattie. Rifiorente. H.3mt L.2mt. Ideale x fiori da taglio. E' uno dei Climber a fiori rosa piu' affidabili.
(ROSACEAE) (Mathias Tantau II, Rosen-Tantau, Germania, 1980)
Discussion id : 30-336
most recent 16 SEP 13 SHOW ALL
Initial post 14 SEP 08 by Vicky
I bought this rose in June this year. It flowers all season and I have had three flushes even on such a new bush. The roses themselves are a really good pink colour with a beautiful clean shape. The heads do get heavy and can droop when all blooms are out in one cluster.

My slight worry is that of three roses I bought and planted at the same time along the same wall, it is the only one that has not really put on a lot of new growth. It is supposed to be a climber but shows no inclination to do so just yet...
Reply #1 of 2 posted 16 SEP 13 by rose88
How 'Lawinia is doing a hot climate

There are tips to succeed in its growth?
Reply #2 of 2 posted 16 SEP 13 by Vicky
I'm afraid it was destroyed by a neighbour... :(
Discussion id : 68-419
most recent 25 NOV 12 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 25 NOV 12 by stefand
This and a large collection of Cliff Orent's Euro Dessert roses are now available own root from Heirloom Roses.
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