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'PROse' References
Website/Catalog  (31 Jul 2010)  
'Burgundy Iceberg' 
Synonyms: 'Burgundy Ice', 'Prose', 'Purple Iceberg'
ARS approved Exhibition Name:  'Burgundy Iceberg' 
F, m, Weatherly, Lilia; bud pointed to somewhat ovoid; flowers deep purple-red, lighter reverse, with velvety texture, 3-4 in., 25-30 petals, somewhat cupped, borne in clusters, slight, honey fragrance; recurrent; foliage semi-glossy; prickles very few, medium, straight, angled slightly downward; bushy, medium (3 ft.) growth; hips obovate to ovoid ; PP16198
[sport of Brilliant Pink Iceberg]
Roses in Review:
  Garden Rating:        Exhibition Rating:  
Burgundy Iceberg, Prophyl Pty Ltd/Swanes Nurseries Australia Pty Ltd, 2003, AU
Burgundy Iceberg, Swanes, 2006, USA
Marion de Boehme Memorial Award, National Trial Garden of Australia, 2005
Gold Medal, National Trial Garden of Australia, 2005
Best Floribunda, Rose Hills, 2005
Last Updated:  2007-5-11
Magazine  (2010)  Page(s) 24.  
Doug Grant. Final Analysis for 2010.
'Burgundy Iceberg' (Prose) - Swane 2007. Floribunda. Reports: 95, Plants: 153, Garden: 7.0, Exhibition: 5.7, Height: medium, Health: very good, slight fragrance. Blooms are a rich burgundy colour when first open then fade to a less pleasant muddy colour, blooms can burn in hot sun. A nice garden rose whose bloom colour adds interest to a garden. The plant has good repeat flowering. Growth habit and foliage are similar to 'Iceberg'.
Book  (2006)  Page(s) 29.  
Dean Stringer. National Rose Trial garden Report. ….An awards Ceremony for roses trialled 2001/2003 was hosted by the Lord Mayor at the Town Hall in April 2005. The top award went to Tasmania’s Lilia Weatherly’s ‘Burgundy Iceberg’.
Website/Catalog  (2005)  
Award: Gold Medal; Best Rose in Trial; Best Floribunda Rose in Trial; Marion de Bomhe Memorial Award; Best Australian Rose in Trial.
Name: Burgundy Iceberg
Type: floribunda rose
Habit: a sport of Pink Iceberg
Breeder: Lilia Weatherly, Tasmania
Exhibitor: Swane's Nurseries, NSW
Book  (2004)  Includes photo(s).
Frontispiece. Swane’s Nurseries photo.

p52 The National Rose Society of Australia International Trial Ground Awards. Trial 6. Awards for Roses on trial, Oct 2001 to May 2003 to be presented in April, 2005. Bed No. 115. Code: B.I. 2000. Floribunda. Gold Medal. Best Rose of Trial. Best Floribunda Rose. Best Australian Sport or Mutation.
Book  (2003)  
p98 Finbarr O’Leary. Swane’s new Rose Introductions for 2003. ‘Burgundy Iceberg’. (PROse) Floribunda Rose. Colour: deep, velvet burgundy. Height: medium tall / rounded bush; Foliage: light green. Fragrance mild honey. Parentage: Sport of ‘Brilliant Pink Iceberg’. Usage: Hardy anything needs to be said beyond the name. After all these many years of worldwide propagation , a red colour mutation of the renowned ‘Iceberg’ has finally occurred. The plant is exactly like its parent in every way but colour, same great landscape value, free flowering habit, foliage and the same great flower form of showy clusters with a mild honey fragrance.

p158 Swane’s Nurseries advertisement. New ‘Burgundy Iceberg’ due for release 1st June, 2003.
Book  (2000)  Page(s) 145.  
Lilia Weatherly: ….In 1991 a plant of ‘Iceberg’ suddenly produced a spontaneous mutation which was pink. ‘Pink Iceberg (PBR) (Blushing Pink Iceberg) is now in cultivation.
Since then, ‘Pink Iceberg’ has sported to a darker form, which is now on the market as ‘Brilliant Pink Iceberg (PBR). This has flowers of a cerise pink with silvery pink backs to the petals. The stamens are crimson.
This rose has now sported top a deeper red form. It is to be called ‘Red Iceberg’ and is being protected under Plant Breeders Rights. It will be some time yet before it is introduced by Swane’s, as the number of plants has to be built up.
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