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'Vino Rossi' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 24-294
most recent 3 APR 08 SHOW ALL
Initial post 23 FEB 08 by Mary
Does anyone know where I might find Vino Rossi, own root? Almost Heaven is out. Thank you very much for any help.
Reply #1 of 5 posted 2 APR 08 by jnmccool
Hi Mary - I just picked up Vino Rosso from K & M Nursery in Mississippi. It is a beautiful, healthy and huge plant but I don't know if he could have shipped it, or even if he does ship. I was lucky enough to catch him at a local garden show. His email is and his phone is 601-648-2908. The nursery is actually run by James & Daisy Mills. Good luck!
Reply #2 of 5 posted 2 APR 08 by Mary
Thanks so much for you help. I have ordered from K&M, Vino Rossi. They are on fortuniana rootstock which has to be kept in a "Pot" year around in Ne. This becomes a problem in the winter. It is a fantastic rose and you will love it. If you live in a part of the country where fortuniana does well--ask James for his complete list--it is awesome.
Thanks again,
Reply #3 of 5 posted 3 APR 08 by jnmccool
Thanks Mary - I did get his list and also picked up a few other roses from him at the show ... couldn't resist.
Reply #4 of 5 posted 3 APR 08 by jnmccool
Also, did you ever find it on its own roots? I'm sorry that I didn't realize that was the crux of your question but I also would be interested in getting it own root.

Reply #5 of 5 posted 3 APR 08 by Mary
Almost Heaven Roses has Vino Rossi, own root---problem--Vernon is out for now. I am done for this year because of weather but contact Vernon and maybe you would be in luck for his next "own root" Vino Rossi. #704-732-4787. He also has an excellent list.
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