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'KO 72/300' rose References
Website/Catalog  (2012)  

'Korlady', HT, op, 1978, (Lady Rose, 'Kordes' Rose Lady Rose'), [seedling × Traumerei], W. Kordes Söhne; bud long, pointed; flowers salmon-orange, 5 in., 34 petals, high-centered, borne singly and in clusters, moderate fragrance; recurrent; foliage large, dense, glossy; vigorous, upright, bushy (3 ft.) growth
Book  (2003)  Page(s) Table 7.  
Additional Awards by Parc de la Tête d'Or, Lyon...
1979 Grandes Roses du Siècle, 'Lady Rose' ®, Hybrid Tea, Kordes
Book  (Aug 2002)  Page(s) 53.  
Lady Rose
Rated 7.7
Book  (Dec 1998)  Page(s) 350.  Includes photo(s).
Lady Rose Hybrid Tea. Kordes (Germany) 1979... salmon-red with an orange cast...
Book  (Sep 1993)  Page(s) 246.  Includes photo(s).
Lady Rose (KORlady, 'Kordes Rose Lady Rose') Large-flowered. Reimer Kordes 1981. Parentage: unnamed seedling x 'Träumerei'. Description... orange-pink...
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 301.  
Lady Rose® Hybrid Tea, orange-pink, 1979, (KORlady); Seedling x 'Traumerei'; Kordes, W., Sons. Description.
Book  (Feb 1993)  Page(s) 193.  Includes photo(s).
Lady Rose Large-flowered hybrid tea. Parentage: Seedling x 'Träumerei'. (aka KORlady) Germany 1979. Description and cultivation... flowers: orange-salmon...
Website/Catalog  (1989)  Page(s) 2.  
LADY ROSE ® Korlady (Kordes 78) Rouge Orange saumon.
Website/Catalog  (1987)  Page(s) 2.  
LADY ROSE ® Korlady (Kordes 80) Rouge orangé. Plante extra.
[no longer listed in 1988, but again in 1989]
Book  (1984)  Page(s) 122.  
Dr. A. S. Thomas, Victoria.  Some Of The Newer Introductions.
Lady Rose (R. Kordes). Medium sized blooms of vivid orange vermilion colouring which does not fade or alter even when the petals fall. It has a high percentage of shapely blooms. Strong growth - almost mahogany coloured when young. The only near-red or red rose in this list!
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