'Docteur Ruschpler' rose References
Article (website) (2005) Page(s) 6. "In 1855 the physician Dr. Friedrich Ruschpler had released his 'Dr. Ruschpler' at the nursery of a Mr. Wendschuch in his hometown Dresden."
Book (Dec 2000) Page(s) 461. Dr. Ruschpler Hybrid Perpetual Ruschpler [w/E. Verdier] 1856
Book (1936) Page(s) 635. Ruschpler, Dr. (HP) Ruschpler 1856; pure pink, vivid center, large, double, centifolia-form, cluster-flowered, fragrance 8/10, many prickles, broad dark green foliage, 5 leaflets, growth 6/10
Website/Catalog (1924) Page(s) 52. Hybrid Perpetual Roses. (2) 'Prince Camille de Rohan' (Verdier 1861). F.1. Velvety maroon, shaded black of good form; a good opener; one of the very best. (Syn. Dr. Rushpler). Everywhere.
Website/Catalog (1919) Page(s) 24. Jubilee HP. (E. Verdier, 1861) Deep velvety crimson, exactly the same rose as 'Dr. Rushpler' and 'Prince Camille de Rohan'. A good rose, but such sorts as 'Geo. Dickson' outclass it as they flower much earlier in the season).
Website/Catalog (1914) Page(s) 57. Jubilee (syn 'Dr. Rushpler'). This magnificent variety produces very vigorous large dark green foliage and long flower stems. The flowers are very large, reaching 6 ins. across under good culture, outer petals partially reflexed and recurved, the centre petals upright and very gracefully disposed; the buds are long and rounded, the petals falling away gracefully, revealing the rich velvety texture; the fragrance is strong, delightfully rich, and lasting. The colouring is alive, a pure red in its deepest tone, shading to a deep crimson red and velvety maroon red in depth of its petals.
Website/Catalog (1912) Page(s) 20. Dr. Rushpler (HP) Deep blackish purple, shaded crimson violet; large and full; vigorous.
Website/Catalog (1911) Page(s) 24. Hybrid Perpetual Roses. Dr. Rushpler. Blackish purple, shaded crimson; very good.
[Colour is in inconsistent with other references. Possibly the wrong rose supplied to Hazlewood at that time]
Booklet (1904) Page(s) 21. Dr. Rusphler deep velvety crimson-maroon, very similar to Prince Camille de Rohan. Vig. Exh. Gdn.
Website/Catalog (1904) Page(s) 86. Dr. Rushpler HP. Deep blackish purple, shaded crimson violet, large and full.