'Dubourg' rose Reviews & Comments
The old references list this rose among the Bourbon roses.
#1 of 1 posted
7 APR 12 by
Hybrid Bourbons were subsumed by later authors under Hybrid Perpetuals. We have added the former class.
Michigan Farmer 7: 311 (Oct. 15, 1849) Pyramids of Everblooming Roses.—
Dear Sir: Nothing is so easily grown as a Prairie rose, as your readers are all aware. It is so vigorous, so healthy, and so hardy. The best mode of growing it in the garden, is trained to a stout pole about eight feet high. In this mode it forms a fine pyramid of foliage; and if the best sorts—such for instance, as the "Queen of Prairies"—are chosen, the effect, when in full bloom, is quite magnificent.
But the Prairie roses only bloom once. After June, one has no flowers on these fine pyramids. Thinking of this defect it occurred to me three years ago to bud a couple of these pyramids in various places with the hardier Bourbon Roses. It has succeeded to a charm. They unite very readily with the Prairie stock, and bloom abundantly for several months after the blossoms on the Prairie shoots are past by. I have one before my window at this moment, (July 12,) on which Souvenir de Malmaison and General Dubourg are loaded with flowers. I do not cover the whole pyramid with the everblooming shoots, (though perhaps this would be the best course,) but prune the Prairie shoots in so as to preserve a due balance, and give each a fair chance.—Horticulturist.