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'Restless' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 80-883
most recent 27 JUN 18 SHOW ALL
Initial post 4 OCT 14 by Jane Z
Newspaper report about 'Restless' cuttings being made available to Rose Society show visitors in 1938.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 5 OCT 14 by Patricia Routley
Ta. Added
Reply #2 of 2 posted 27 JUN 18 by billy teabag
As far as I know, the identity of the rose sold as Restless hasn't been subjected to hard scrutiny.
The absence of detailed early description doesn't give us much to work with but that reference to 'blooms in clusters' has always troubled me.
Discussion id : 94-741
most recent 27 JUN 18 SHOW ALL
Initial post 4 SEP 16 by Give me caffeine
Just a thought, but since it's known that Clark used Bardou Job as one of Black Boy's parents, it looks an awful lot like he may have used it for one of Restless' parents too. There appear to be quite a few similarities.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 4 SEP 16 by Patricia Routley
Reply #2 of 2 posted 27 JUN 18 by billy teabag
Was just thinking the same. Thornlessness (mostly) is another snap.
Discussion id : 111-793
most recent 27 JUN 18 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 27 JUN 18 by billy teabag
'Restless' is such a lovely, generous and useful rose in the winter here. It seems to go with everything and you can almost always find at least a few buds and blooms on the bush to add that warmth to a bunch of roses.
Another great thornless rose. It (and all the red Chinas) had that strong raspberry confectionery fragrance yesterday. Australians would recognise it as the smell of the iconic old sweets 'Ripe Raspberries'.
Discussion id : 102-967
most recent 20 JUL 17 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 20 JUL 17 by Give me caffeine
That cutting that survived has progressed quite well. It would be knee high if it wasn't leaning over (I'll set it more vertical when I plant it out). Something has been munching the leaves over the past few months, but this doesn't seem to have done the plant any real harm.

So far this young 'un is entirely thornless. This is a contrast to the parent plant it came from, which seemed to be thornless on its older canes but quite spikey on the newest ones.
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