'The Hunter' rose References
Book (2007) Hunter, J. Mattock 1961 Blooming period: medium Habit: shrub with arching canes Vigour: medium Shoots: bronze-green Prickles: very dense and slightly curved Flower: in clusters (4 or more); in umbels; abundant bloom; 44 petals, rosette form, in doubles; diameter 7,0 cm; depth 3,0 cm; strong fragrance Petals: rounded; length 3,0 cm; width 3,0 cm; colour of the upper surface fuchsia pink 67 A, reverse fuchsia pink 61 C; white nails Stamens: anthers yellow, filaments whitish pink Stygmas: free, yellow Calyx: cupped, smooth Sepals: reflexed downwards; 1 appendage on one side, 2 sepals without Foliage: length 11,5 cm, width 8,0 cm; colour of the upper surface dark green 147 A, reverse olive green 147 B; slightly glossy; length of the terminal leaflet 5,5 cm, width 3,0 cm; obtuse base; 21 teeth per side
Website/Catalog (2000) Page(s) 104. H. Rug. Hunter, Mattock R. H., 1961
Book (1997) Page(s) 230. Includes photo(s).
Book (11 Jun 1993) Page(s) 28. Includes photo(s).
Book (11 Jun 1993) Page(s) 27. R. rugosa 'Rubra' x 'Independence'. Mattock (England) 1961. Description... bright red double blossoms are mid-sized... [Verrier questions its hardiness] since a floribunda is in its heritage.
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 253. Hybrid Rugosa (Shrub), medium red, 1961, ('The Hunter'); R. rugosa rubra x 'Independence'; Mattock, R.H.; Mattock. Flowers bright crimson, double (43 petals), medium; foliage rugose; vigorous (4-5 ft.) growth; recurrent bloom.
Book (Feb 1993) Page(s) 104. Includes photo(s).
Book (1991) Page(s) 95. Rosa rugosa rubra x 'Independence'... true red... continuous bloomer
Book (Dec 1985) Page(s) 243. Includes photo(s).
Book (Dec 1985) Page(s) 243. Mattock (UK) 1961. Flowers: scented, fully double, bright crimson...