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'Mary Merryweather' rose References
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 472.  
Merryweather, Mary (HT) Merryweather 1925; Mq. de Sinéty X Lady Hillingdon; deep golden-yellow, medium size, semi-double, cup form, fine form, lasting, in clusters of 2-5, fragrance 3/10, floriferous, continuous bloom, long upright stems, growth 6/10, bushy. Sangerhausen
Website/Catalog  (1929)  Page(s) 8.  
Recent Introductions and Rare Varieties
Mary Merryweather. Hybrid Tea. (H. Merryweather, 1924.) The gorgeous golden yellow flower is finely shaped, with long petals, and every bloom is borne straight and erect. The wonderful growth and habit produce a vigorous and well-shaped bush.
With us not unlike Lady Hillingdon although generally lighter. The buds are especially fine and have excellent texture although the open flower is a little flimsy. $2.50 each.
Book  (1926)  Page(s) 182.  
Mary Merryweather Hybrid Tea (H. Merryweather & Sons, 1925). Parentage: 'Marquise de Sinety' x 'Lady Hillingdon'. Type, 'Killarney' in shape... deep golden yellow... resistant to disease...
Website/Catalog  (1925)  Page(s) 29.  
New Roses 1925. Mary Merryweather (HT) (Merryweather) A deep golden yellow, best described as a paler ‘Lady Hillingdon’, the flower is finely shaped, good long petals, every bloom is borne straight and erect; of vigorous growth, the individual stems being long and therefore useful for cutting. 4/- each.
Website/Catalog  (1924)  Page(s) 18.  
Rosiers Nouveaux de 1924. Rosiers Hybrides de Thé...
MARY MERRYWEATHER (W. Merryweather & Sons, 1924). Fl. jaune d’or foncé, de belle forme, portée par un pédoncule long, ferme et érigé. Arb. de bonne végétation. Variété idéale pour la fleur coupée et pour la plantation en massif.
Magazine  (Jun 1920)  Page(s) 138.  
Concours des Roses nouvelles (Bagatelle 1920) ... Il faut citer une rose non nommée de Merryweather : « 3, A. 1026 », simple, très grands pétales, pédoncule très rigide, jaune d'or à l'épanouissement ; le rosier remonte franchement.
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