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'Apricot Queen' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 84-287
most recent 14 APR 15 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 13 APR 15 by Yankee Doodle Stevie
This was a rose my Mother fell in love with the first time she saw a picture of it in Stirling Macoboy's Ultimate Rose Book.

The blooms are so beautiful when turning between shades of a apricot with differing amounts of pink in them. They smell great and the plant blooms well. A controlled but healthy grower on it's own roots. Its too bad worthy early AARS classics like this are not available for more gardeners anymore. Hopefully that changes in the future.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 14 APR 15 by Patricia Routley
I hope so too Yankee Doodle Stevie – but I truly doubt it.
Stirling Macoboy’s picture would make anyone fall in love with it - I have never seen mine that yellow. And I have never seen the pink shades shown in Beth’s and Robert Neil Rippetoe’s photos either, but they both show photos with the apricot shades as well. Roses continue to surprise me every day.
Discussion id : 70-407
most recent 13 MAR 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 12 MAR 13 by Patricia Routley
Two of the most recent references are calling the pollen parent 'Los Angeles' 1916 instead of 'Glowing Sunset' 1933 which has normally been quoted. Does anybody know the reason behind this change of pollen parent?
Reply #1 of 2 posted 13 MAR 13 by jedmar
The second reference is the French translation of the first. Possibly an error of the editors.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 13 MAR 13 by Patricia Routley
Buttons slender, turbinated petals? Mine tinkit it (almost) fits.
Thanks Jedmar. I agree that it is an error.
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