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From "Deutsche Rosen-Zeitung", Vol. 2, January 1887, facing p. 5
Courtesy of the Digital collections of the Humboldt University in Berlin
Uploaded 26 NOV |
June 19, 2011: at Fabien Ducher nursery
3 favorite votes.
Uploaded 9 SEP 12 |
03.06.2021 Romania
Uploaded 3 JUN 21 |
June 19, 2011: at Fabien Ducher nursery
Uploaded 9 SEP 12 |
28.05.2021 Romania
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June 19, 2011: at Fabien Ducher nursery
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 9 SEP 12 |
Photo made in Rosarium Petrovic in Vrcin, Serbia
2 favorite votes.
Uploaded 16 MAR 13 |
June 19, 2011: at Fabien Ducher nursery
2 favorite votes.
Uploaded 9 SEP 12 |