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'Meda' rose References
Book  (1976)  Page(s) 137.  
'Meda' (Horvath, 1939) = (R. setigera x 'Madame Butterfly') x 'Golden Dawn' (Hybrid Tea) - Blooms densely filled, very fragrant, 8 to 10 cm in diameter, soft pink, on long stalks; foliage leathery.
Book  (1958)  Page(s) 231.  
Meda. LR. (Horvath; int. Waysise Gardens Co., '42.) (R. setigera X Mme. Butterfly) X Golden Dawn. Large (3½-4 in.), dbl. (40-60 petals), open, imbricated, very fragrant, shrimp-pink; long stem. Fol. large, leathery. Very vig. cl. (10-12 ft.); profuse bloom. Pl. Pat. 518.
Website/Catalog  (1948)  Page(s) 100.  Includes photo(s).
Meda (U.S. Plant Patent No. 518) Large-Flowered Shrimp-Pink Climber Rosa Setigera Hybrid by Horvath. Color of Flower: The outer petals are a beautiful pale buff-shrimp-pink, increasing in intensity to a deeper and richer shading towards the center, until a beautiful tone of rose-pink has been reached. The petals are imbricated and artistically formed, resembling dozens of shining seashells, shaping the flower into the perfect form of a Hybrid Tea Rose. The flowers occur singly or in clusters of three on side laterals which are 10 to 12 inches long. Flowers are produced abundantly on spur branches both on main stalk and laterals, 1 to 2 feet long, a perfect length for cutting. The buds are perfectly formed and open into flowers with high centers. The size of the flowers when fully open measures 3,5 to 4 inches across. Foliage: Leaves are of leathery texture, deep bottle-green and practically immune to black spot, mildew or other Rose maladies. Hardiness: Can be successfully grown with protection in the colder regions. Size of Plant: Ultimate height about 10 to 12 feet. Stems are heavy and canelike, requiring little support. Can be grown to resemble a huge Rose bush, by cutting back branches to three, four or five, or whatever size bush is desired.
Book  (1947)  Page(s) 221.  
Proof of the Pudding growers' reports vary wildly from "20 shoots 4 to 7 ft. tall" to "excellent grower and bloomer"
Book  (1945)  Page(s) 203.  
Proof of the Pudding: growers' reports didn't improve much over 1944.
Book  (1944)  Page(s) 208.  
Proof of the Pudding reports mention winter damage but nice blooms.
Book  (1943)  Page(s) 18.  
R. Marion Hatton.  The World's New Roses
Five new Climbers appear, and of these Mr. Horvath's Meda looks good. It is a large flowered Climber, with imbricated flowers of warm shrimp-pink and they are fragrant. A. R. Setigera x Mme. Butterfly, crossed with Golden Dawn, are the parents, and it has proven reliably hardy so far.
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