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'Rose Marie, Cl.' rose References
Book  (Apr 1999)  Page(s) 558.  
Climbing Rose Marie Climbing Hybrid Tea. Pacific Rose Company 1927
Book  (1999)  Page(s) 516.  Includes photo(s).
'Rose Marie Climbing'. Modern, large-flowered climber, medium pink. This is a climbing mutation of a once popular Large-flowered rose but it is virtually extinct now. The clear, fragrant rose pink double flowers are borne in clusters. A plant for a warm wall, it has dark green, glossy foliage. Zones 4-9. Pacific Rose Co., Australia 1927. Sport of ‘Rose Marie’.
Website/Catalog  (1963)  Page(s) 14.  
Climbing Roses. Climbing Rose Marie HT.  Rose pink with rich sweet fragrance.  Vigorous growth and healthy foliage. 
Book  (1947)  Page(s) 135.  
Climbing Rose Marie   (HT)  Fragrant. Habit 6. One of the most vigorous of all growers, with healthy foliage  Blooms are peach pink and sweetly scented, borne on long stems.  A top ranker amongst climbers.
Book  (1946)  Page(s) 63.  
Doreen Marriott, Port Elizabeth, South Africa.
The roses I find satisfactory...hardy and able to stand up during the hot burning days with a minimum of water are:
Climbing Rose Marie: A Rose I can recommend for tropical gardens. I have three first year and the growth has been amazing. It is blooming on the lower wood; beautiful full pink blooms.
Website/Catalog  (1945)  Page(s) 24.  
'Clg. Rose Marie'. The peach pink colour is quite new in this section, while the shape of the blooms and rich sweet fragrance will ensure it a place in the yery front rank of climbers. The growth is most vigorous with healthy foliage. Highly, recommended as one of the very best.
Website/Catalog  (1938)  Page(s) 14.  
Cl. Rose Marie.  Many of our Rose friends have asked for a pink climber that was not "just another pink"—here is a Rose we believe will fill the need, for it is really good. The plant climbs freely and the flowers have form, color and fragrance, with plenty of substance to make it keep well when cut.
Book  (1937)  Page(s) 228.  Includes photo(s).
'Rose Marie' turns climber. California encourages roses to assume climbing stature, and 'Rose Marie' has thus developed in the garden of Mrs. Fremont Older, at Cupertino. Pleasing in gardens for many years, 'Rose Marie', HT (Dorner, 1918), has very large, cupped, double, clear rose-pink flowers borne on the kind of long stems the florist loves. It has been admirable in its garden behavior.
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 622.  
Rose Marie, Climb. (cl. HT) Pacific R. Co. 1927; sport of above [Rose Marie]; deep pink, climbing Habit
Rose Marie, Climb. (cl. HT) Low 1935; sport of Rose Marie, climbing habit
Book  (1935)  Page(s) 52.  
Frank Penn, New Zealand. Roses for Decorative Purposes
There are many lovely pink and salmon-shaded Roses invaluable for decorative purposes, including...and Rose Marie (the climber of this variety is the best).
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