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'Gamusin' rose References
Website/Catalog  (2020)  Page(s) 228.  Includes photo(s).
Gamusin, Pere Dot, 1960, HT, cinnamon, pink, shrub, double, 25 petals, abundant bloom, very fragrant, Grey Pearl X (Lila Vidri X Prelude), moderate vigour, strong fillols [?] , spreading growth, bibliography: mcf
Book  (19 Apr 2000)  Page(s) 179.  
'Gamusin', HT, r, 1960; description; (Grey Pearl X (Lila Vidri X Prelude)); Dot, Pedro
Book  (1963)  Page(s) 24.  
Roy and Heather Rumsey, NSW.  New Roses. 
Gamusin  HT. (P. Dot) Semi-double blooms on strong stems. The colour is cinnamon with shadings of pale fresh-lilac, and large golden stamens in the centre. Healthy growth. A beautiful and unusual variety and altogether charming. The raiser is to be congratulated on this highly decorative acquisition.
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