'Fürstin Infantin von Hohenzollern' rose References
Book (1981) Page(s) 113. The German grower Paul Brauer, who settled down in San Remo, left us three HT roses, 'King of Siam', 'Contessa Cecilia Lurani' and 'Dr Warner'; and three Teas, 'Earl of Mexborough', 'Fürstin Infantin von Hohenzollern' and 'Wilhelm Hartmann'.
Book (1936) Page(s) 348. von Hohenzollern, Fürstin Infantin (tea) Bräuer 1898; C. de Leusse X M. van Houtte; lilac-pink, base ochre-yellow, medium-size, double, fragrance 5/10, floriferous, growth 6/10. Sangerhausen
Book (1912) Page(s) 234. Furstin Hohenzollern. - Rosy lilac on saffron-coloured ground.
Website/Catalog (1912) "Fl(ower) purple rose, c. yellowish salmon, med., full, fragrant. Gr(owth) vig., florif. A."
Magazine (10 Jun 1911) Page(s) 278. The Parentage of Roses. The following list of the world's Roses and their parentage has been compiled by Mr. Robert Daniel, 38 Russell Road. Fishponds, Bristol, and by his kind permission we are enabled to publish it... Fürstin von Hohenzollern Infantin... Tea, Brauer, 1898, Comtesse de Leusse X Marie van Houtte
Magazine (1907) Page(s) 125. [from the article 'Roses at Bagatelle' by J. A. Carnegie Cheales] ….two teas, General Gallieni (Nabonnand), deep poppy red, a large full flower, and Furstin v. Hohenzollern Infantin (Brauer), rather delicate looking, lilac red merging to yellow ochre at centre, were of great merit, ....
Book (1902) Page(s) 71. Thé. 1480. Fürstin von Hohenzollern Infantin (Braüer 1898), lilas fond jaune
Magazine (1902) Page(s) 30.
Website/Catalog (1901) Page(s) 17. Furstin Hohenzollern Infantin, No. 23 (Bayner) [sic]. -
Lilac rose on saffron-colored ground; rich blooming and strong growing; a superb Rose of richest beauty. Named in honor of a member of the German royal family by special permission. 20 cts. each; two-year-old plants, 35 cts. each.
Book (1899) Page(s) 182. Fürstin v. Hohenzollern Infantin, T, Brauer, 1899, lilas fonds jaune