'Mrs. Robert Garrett' rose Photos
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From "The American Florist", 1898, p. 655
Courtesy of Biodiversity Heritage Library
Uploaded 10 NOV 23 |
Juni 2014, Köln
Uploaded 1 JUL 14 |
May 2016, Köln. - Ein wundervolles Muschel-Rosa und romantisch zerknitterte Blütenblätter, wie Seidenpapier. Die Blüten halten sehr lange. Eine wunderschöne Rose! - Leider etwas krankheitsanfällig.
Uploaded 3 JUN 16 |
Journal des Roses - Avril 1905 (numérisé par Gallica - Bibliothèque Nationale de France)
Uploaded 30 JAN 14 |
May 2016, Köln
Uploaded 3 JUN 16 |
Conard & Jones Co. New Floral Guide (Spring 1900)
This is one of the newest and most beautiful hardy ever-blooming roses—a cross between Madame Caroline Testout and Sombrieul. Both flowers and buds are of grand size and perfect full form. The flowers are very remarkable for their depth and sweetness. Color, an exquisite shell pink passing to soft, glowing rose, delicately tinted with creamy yellow. The bush is a vigorous grower, an abundant bloomer, and quite hardy.
Uploaded 23 JUL 12 |
Juni 2014, Köln
Uploaded 1 JUL 14 |
Uploaded 6 AUG 11 |
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