'Bloomfield Brilliant' rose References
Book (1940) Page(s) 21, 22. Page 21: All the Bloomfield roses were produced by Capt. George C. Thomas, Jr., at his home of that name in Chestnut Hill, Pa., until he removed to Beverly Hills, Calif., where he continued his hybridization until his death in 1932. Page 22: Bloomfield Brilliant Hybrid Gigantea. (Thomas; introduced by Howard & Smith, 1931)... light salmon with orange glow...
Book (1936) Page(s) 84. Bloomfield Brillant (hybrid gigantea) Thomas 1929; M. A. Chatenay X K. Kininmonth; glossy light salmon-coloured, orange reflexes, large, semi-double, fragrance 4/10, growth 7/10, climbing.
Book (1929) Page(s) 17. Roses Registered Since Publication of 1929 Rose Annual Other Roses in the Process of Registration The descriptions are those supplied by the originator Bloomfield Brilliant (45A-26). Hybrid Climber. Mme. Abel Chatenay X Kitty Kininmonth. Good-sized bud, opening into a large bloom with eighteen petals; color a brilliant light salmon with distinct orange glow; a lighter color and with more yellow than the pollen parent, although the flower is slightly smaller; perfume mild. The foliage is well held and free of disease, and the plant of strong, climbing growth and a continuous producer. Stem of fair length and sufficient strength, but the variety is most valuable as a decorative on accountof its clear and distinct color and continuity. Recommended for all southern climates.