'Bloomfield Beverly' rose References
Book (1940) Page(s) 21. All the Bloomfield roses were produced by Capt. George C. Thomas, Jr., at his home of that name in Chestnut Hill, Pa., until he removed to Beverly Hills, Calif., where he continued his hybridization until his death in 1932... Bloomfield Beverly Hybrid Tea. (Thomas, 1924)... orange-crimson (does not fade or blue)...
Book (1936) Page(s) 84. Bloomfield Beverly (HT) Thomas 1924; M. Cts. of Ilchester X mme. Ed. Herriot; glossy light orange-crimson, very large, double, fragrance 5/10, floriferous, continuous bloom, growth 7/10, 1 m.
Book (1916) Page(s) 67. Bloomfield Beverly Parentage: '[Mary, Countess of] Ilchester' crossed with 'Mme. Edouard Herriot'