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'Frensham' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 7-432
most recent 2 JUN 10 SHOW ALL
Initial post 21 JAN 05 by Enrique Munoz Ramirez
on page 45 of the 1954 American Rose Annual, the parentage is listed as:

(Edith Cavell x Edgar Andreu) x Crimson Glory
Reply #1 of 3 posted 24 JAN 05 by HMF Admin
Thank you !
Reply #2 of 3 posted 2 JUN 10 by Michael Garhart
Im more inclined to believe that Editch cavell the polyantha and not the HT was one of the parents. That would make it (diploid x diploid) x tetraploid = triploid. However, it is possible that (tetraploid x diploid) x tetraploid = triploid, but it is slightly less likely. Combine that with the fact that the HT is light yellow and it seems more probable that the red polyantha is the actual parent.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 2 JUN 10 by HMF Admin
Yes, of course - thank you.
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