'Cardinal Patrizi' rose References
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 155. Cardinal Patrizzi Hybrid Perpetual. Trouillard/E. Verdier 1857. Seedling of 'Géant des Batailles'. The author cites information from different sources... Crimson, with a tinge of purple... A seedling of Mons Trouillard's, of 1855, released to commerce in 1857 by Mons Eugène Verdier... Monseigneur Constantin Patrizzi is an Italian prelate born in Siena in 1798, it seems... and was bishop of Portgual and Saint-Rufine...
Book (1936) Page(s) 544. Patrizzi, Cardinal (HP) Trouillard 1853; Géant des Bat. X ? ; bright red, velvety purple-brown reflexes, medium size, double, flat, solitary or up to 4, fragrance 5/10, growth 7/10, upright, 1 m. Sangerhausen
Book (1936) Page(s) 672. Solferino, Vainqueur de (HP) Damaizin 1859; Géant des Batailles X ? ; bright fire-red, large, double, growth 7/10. = [similar to] Card. Patrizzi; Mrs. Slandisk.
Book (1935) Page(s) 186. Cardinal Patrizzi Hybrid Perpetual ... still preserved...
Magazine (20 May 1911) Page(s) 243. The Parentage of Roses. The following list of the world's Roses and their parentage has been compiled by Mr. Robert Daniel, 38 Russell Road. Fishponds, Bristol, and by his kind permission we are enabled to publish it... Cardinal Patrizzi... H.P., Trouillard, 1853, Seedling Geant des Batailles
Book (1906) Page(s) 29. 1.877. Cardinal Patrizzi, Hybride Remontant, Trouillard 1853 rouge ombé violacé
Book (1902) Page(s) 113. Hybrides Remontants. Groupe C. — Géant des Batailles Arbuste rustique, florifère et très remontant, à rameaux bruns, droits, aiguillons nombreux; feuillage petit, peu ample, très sujet à l'oïdium et aux maladies cryptogamiques, folioles assez rapprochées sur le pétiole commun; fleur en coupe, petite, rouge écarlate ou rouge très foncé; fruit petit, ovoïde, longuement atténué à la base. 3490. Cardinal Patrizzi... (Trouillard 1853)... rouge et violet.
Magazine (1886) Page(s) 102. Vainqueur de Solferino - Cardinal Patrizzi - Mrs. Standish, HP.
Website/Catalog (1885) Page(s) 67. Hybrid Perpetual Roses. Cardinal Patrizza dark velvety scarlet, petals smooth and thick, beautifully formed, a superb rose.
Book (1882) Page(s) 6. Cardinal Patrizzi... Hybride Perpétuel. Trouillard. 1857 Cramoisi pourpré. Fleur moyenne. Plante moyenne.