'American Belle' rose References
Book (Dec 2000) Page(s) 60. American Belle Hybrid Perpetual John Burton 1893
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 151. American Belle Hybrid Perpetual. Burton 1893. Sport of 'American Beauty'. The author cites information from different sources... Crimson...
Book (1936) Page(s) 19. American Belle (HT) Burton 1893; sport of American Beauty; gloosy deep pink to crimson, does not blue, large, double, fragrance 8/10, dark green foliage, growth 5/10.
Magazine (13 May 1911) Page(s) 231. The Parentage of Roses. The following list of the world's Roses and their parentage has been compiled by Mr. Robert Daniel, 38 Russell Road. Fishponds, Bristol, and by his kind permission we are enabled to publish it... American Belle... Hybrid Perpetual, J. Burton, 1893, Sport American Beauty
Magazine (15 Jan 1903) Page(s) 11-2. "The Queen of Flowers" By Edwin Lonsdale The Queen of Edgely is an offspring of American Beauty- not a seedling, but a "sport.” A sport means in this connection that a branch of an American Beauty plant produced flowers different from the original. Cuttings or slips were made from said branch and rooted, and the result is plants of what are now known as the Queen of Edgely. American Belle is also a sport from the same source, namely, the “Beauty,” and the color of the flower is quite similar to the “Edgely,” but it is not so strong a grower, consequently not so easy to manage as either of the others mentioned, and it is also distinct in its foliage, being more narrow and pointed, showing that sports are not confined in their variations to the color of the bloom alone.
Book (1902) Page(s) 84. Race des rosiers HYBRIDES de THÉ 2158. American Belle... (Burton 1893)... cramoisi.
Book (1899) Page(s) 10. American Belle, HR, J. Burton, 1893, cramoisi
Article (magazine) (1 Feb 1898) Page(s) 23. [From a talk by Léon Chénault at the Conference of Rosarians at Orléans, published in "Journal des Roses"] Madame Ferdinand Jamin (Lédéchaux, 1875), très grande fleur rose carminé foncé si recherchée en Amérique, nous revient une première fois en 1886 comme nouvelle sous le nom d'American Beauty, et une deuxième fois en 1893 sous celui d'American Belle.
Translation: Madame Ferdinand Jamin (Lédéchaux, 1875), very large, deep carmine pink bloom, so sought after in America, came back to us afirst time in 1886 as a novelty under the name American Beauty, and a second time in 1893 as American Belle.
Magazine (16 Aug 1894) Page(s) 30. The main points required in a forcing rose under the present conditions are a good constitution and its accompaniments, namely, vigorous and rapid growth, strong upright stem, good substance, rich foliage, and immunity from disease; large flowers borne on single stems, with persistent petals of clean color and no tendency to turn purplish; sufficient doubleness of flower to prevent exposing the center when full blown, but not so double as to interfere with free and rapid development of blooms in midwinter; long and steady season of blooming. American Belle, the Beauty's most promising offshoot, is a good thing with its originator, and with some others, but it must be confessed that in some localities it has not grown freely and has not as strong a constitution as Beauty. It is more useful than Beauty on account of its color, which is charming and does not deteriorate after being cut.
Magazine (Jun 1893) The American Belle is a sport from 'American Beauty' and originated with John Burton, a florist of Philadelphia, PA, in 1888. The American Belle is not as strong a grower as the Beauty, but has plenty of vigor to make good, long flower-stems. It is a very free bloomer for so large a rose, producing more good flowers than its parent. The color is a rich, deep pink, fading with age to a beautiful light silvery pink. One of its strong points is that the color is good when the flower is old, and it does not turn purple, as does the Beauty. In form it greatly resembles its parent, although it is not quite so full in the center.