'Baroque Floorshow' rose References
Book (2006) Page(s) 68. National Rose Trial Ground awards for roses on trial July 2002 to May 2004. Bronze medal to ...'Baroque' a lilac pink ground cover bred by Harkness, UK and submitted by Brundrett Roses.
Book (2005) Page(s) 41. National Rose Trial Ground awards for roses on trial July 2002 to May 2004. Bed No. 186. Harkness. H 34-5. Ground cover. Bronze Medal. Best Ground cover rose*.
[*note - the N.R.T.G. website says the award called The Gerald Meylan Perpetual Trophy - is for the best shrub or ground cover rose. 'Grace' AUSkeppy apparently won the award that year for the Best Shrub in Trial.]
Book (2002) Page(s) 24. Baroque Shrub, mauve, 1995. Not rated.
Book (2000) Page(s) 105. ‘Baroque’/HARbaroque = Couvre-sol… boutons pointus… corolles en coupe, rose violacé qui éploient largement leurs 15 pétales satinés pour révéler leurs étamines d’or… en grands bouquets sur le feuillage pourpré… fine senteur musquée et se renouvellent de juin aux gelées… Harkness, UK, 1995. Lignage croisé de Rosa eglanteria, Rosa bracteata et Rosa californica.