'Reine des Reines' rose References
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 193. Queen of Queens ('Reine des Reines') Hybrid Perpetual. W. Paul 1882. 'Victor Verdier' (Hybrid Perpetual) x ('La Reine' [Hybrid Perpetual] x 'Maiden's Blush' [Alba])... Pink, with blush edges...
Book (1936) Page(s) 592. Queen of Queens (HP) W. Paul 1894; La Reine X Maiden's Blush X HP of V. Verdier; tender pink, edges shaded darker, very large, double, fine form, fragrance 0/10.
Book (1912) Page(s) 218. PINK EVERBLOOMING HYBRID REMONTANT ROSES. Queen of Queens (Queen of Summer). — One of Mr. Peter Henderson's highly endorsed everbloomers. Bright pink of the famous old Glory of France. Blooms freely from spring till late autumn.
Magazine (29 Jul 1911) Page(s) 362. The Parentage of Roses. The following list of the world's Roses and their parentage has been compiled by Mr. Robert Daniel, 38 Russell Road. Fishponds, Bristol, and by his kind permission we are enabled to publish it... Queen of Queens... Hybrid Perpetual, W. Paul, 1883, Maiden's Blush X Seedling Victor Verdier
Book (1910) Page(s) 293. Queen of Queens Hybrid Perpetual (Wm. Paul & Son): flowers pink, with blush edges, large and full; growth vigorous; one of the best.
Book (1906) Page(s) 143. 9.256. Queen of Queens, Hybride Remontant, W. Paul 1884 rose nuancé
Website/Catalog (1894) Page(s) 180. Hybrid Perpetual Roses. Queen of Queens Pink, with blush edges; large and full, of perfect form, and a true perpetual-flowering rose; distinct; equally good as a garden and exhibition rose.
Book (1894) Page(s) 264. Hybrid Perpetuals Queen of Queens (W. Paul and Son, 1884). — Of Victor Verdier race with the usual habit, but not quite so strong in growth as most of them. Hardly full-sized, but of nice globular form.
Magazine (1892) Page(s) 27. Queen of Queens. Pink, with blush edges, large, full, and of perfect form. A true perpetual flowering Rose, every shoot being terminated with a flower. A splendid garden Rose.
Website/Catalog (1884) Page(s) 29. New Hybrid Perpetual Roses of 1883, and Roses of Special Interest. Queen of Queens. — This valuable New Rose is predicted to be the finest of its color yet introduced; universally free bloomer, large full form; color, bright pink, petals edged with crimson; very delicate and beautiful; delightfully fragrant. 50 cents.