Book (2008) Page(s) 62. Includes photo(s).
Wilhelm Kordes II, 'Flammentanz ® (1955) This once-blooming climber is one of the most robust red climbers...hardy and floriferous....loosely double blooms are a bright, fiery blood-red....500 cm high and 150 cm wide. Already 1952 an ADR-Rose.
Website/Catalog (15 Nov 2000) Page(s) 6-7. Includes photo(s).
Flammentanz® Züchter/Breeder: W. Kordes' Söhne, 1955.
Book (Apr 1999) Page(s) 555.
Flammentanz Rubiginosa. Wilhelm Kordes 1955
Book (Mar 1994) Page(s) 97.
Flammentanz Climber. Kordes 1955. Description and vital statistics... dark red to bloodred, blooms only once, however, very lushly... Probably by a wide margin the frost-hardiest climbing rose of this type; also for tough locations...
Book (Sep 1993) Page(s) 174.
Flammentanz ('Flame Dance') Large-flowered Climber. Wilhelm Kordes 1955. Description... the plants cover themselves in clusters of medium-sized flame-red flowers, and it is said to be one of the most cold-resistant of climbing roses. Parentage: Rosa eglanteria hybrid x R. kordesii
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 182.
Flammentanz® Large-flowered Climber, crimson, 1955, (KORflata; 'Flame Dance'); [R. eglanteria hybrid x R. kordesii]; Kordes' Söhne, W.; flowers crimson, 9 cm., dbl., cupped, borne in clusters, moderate fragrance; non-recurrent; foliage dark, leathery, matte; very vigorous (10-15 ft.) growth
Book (1993) Page(s) 131. Includes photo(s).
('Flame Dance', 'Flammentanz') A large-flowered Modern Climber. Kordes (Germany) 1955, Height: 10 ft. Some scent.