'Acadia Sunrise' rose Reviews & Comments
Initial post
25 FEB 04 by
Seeking the parantage and hybridizer of this rose.
#1 of 4 posted
25 FEB 04 by
Unregistered Guest
In answering my question the rose is registered as BAIrise, aka Arcadia Sunrise as listed at helpmefind, and was bred in the United States (2001) by Jerry Twomey and Ping Lim, and introduced in 2002 by Bailey Nurseries, Inc. Both seed and pollen is listed as seedling-Samling. I found two internet sources that list BALrise, synonym = Acadia Sunrise.
#2 of 4 posted
25 FEB 04 by
Unregistered Guest
I bought a rose called Acadia Sunrise from Royall River Roses of Yarmouth Maine a few years ago. It is not a grafted rose. Very beautiful. I don't think it is the same rose as Arcadian Sunrise .
#3 of 4 posted
25 FEB 04 by
Unregistered Guest
Ann, A friend told me that Acadia Sunset was hybridized by the owner of Royall River Roses. Unfortunately Royall River Roses has closed it business. Thanks.
#4 of 4 posted
6 NOV 06 by
Unregistered Guest
I found Acadia Sunrise on the www.tagawagardens.com/tgroselist.htm Tagawa Gardens web site. Maybe they might know the answer to your question. T'was looking to see if it was a good one for my yard. Janice