'Araceli Leyva' rose References
Website/Catalog (2012) Page(s) 63. Includes photo(s). Araceli Leyva, Pere Dot, 1940, H.T., salmon-pink, shrub, double, cupped, large pointed bud, great floriferousness, fragrant, Mme. Butterfly X Comtesse Vandal, strong shoots, very vigorous, straight growth, planted in the Rosary Dot and Camprubi in 2011, bibliography: RE-LD, mcf10
Book (1958) Page(s) 15. Araceli Leyva. HT. (P. Dot, '40.) Mme. Butterfly X Comtesse Vandal. Bud long pointed; fl. large, dbl., cupped, fragrant, rose-salmon; strong stem. Fol. leathery. Vig., upright.