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'Our Anniversary' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 25-499
most recent 16 APR 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 16 APR 08 by Kathy Strong
This "Dream Yellow" rose is now being marketed under the name "My Anniversary" and is being distributed through Home Depot. See, for more information.
Reply #1 of 3 posted 16 APR 08 by Cass
Does the Home Depot label have the breeder code? In other words, how did you know that MY ANNIVERSARY is TWOyel?
Reply #2 of 3 posted 16 APR 08 by Kathy Strong
Yes, the tag does have the registration name on it, and I also got an email from the distributer with the same information, which I can forward to you if you'd like. But, I made a mistake in my initial post -- the new name is "Our Anniversary" not "My Anniversary."
Reply #3 of 3 posted 16 APR 08 by Cass
Thanks so much! I finally saw an earlier post listing all the breeder codes, patents, and new names. This is terrific information for keeping these roses identified.
Discussion id : 21-991
most recent 11 OCT 07 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 11 OCT 07 by Unregistered Guest
Oct '07 Our ANNIVERSARY is a very thorny yellow rose that is available for $16.97 at HomeDepot stores. The yellow is clear and it opens up round & scalloped.
Discussion id : 14-168
most recent 22 SEP 06 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 22 SEP 06 by digger
We call this rose Nightmare Yellow due to its performance the first 5 years in our yard. It has become a decent garden rose the last 2 years. Blooms still open and blow fast. Stems still aren't strong enough to hold the blooms up. Deb likes the yellow and won't let me dig it up.

Dream Yellow gets 3 feet tall and wide here. DY does throw lots of canes now. Canes are not strong and they tend to flop on the ground. Bloom production has been decent the last couple years, 30 to 40 per flush. Turnaround time is on the slow side, almost 8 weeks. I can detect some fragrance but it is slight at best.

Dream Yellow is not cane hardy here. Spring growth is late and slow. DY is always one of the last to bloom.

Blackspot is not a problem here. Dream Yellow is one of our powdery mildew magnets.

South central Montana - zone 4/5
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