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'TWOyel' rose Description
'Dream Yellow ™' rose photo
Photo courtesy of Vivian Wilcox
Commercially available
HMF Ratings:
16 favorite votes.  
Average rating: GOOD-.  
Medium yellow Hybrid Tea.
Registration name: TWOyel
Exhibition name: Dream Yellow ™
Bred by Jerry F. Twomey (United States, before 1996).
Introduced in United States by Anthony Tesselaar USA, Inc. in 1999 as 'Dream Yellow'.
Hybrid Tea.  
Yellow.  Strong, citrus, spice fragrance.  23 to 35 petals.  Average diameter 6".  Very large, full (26-40 petals), cluster-flowered, in small clusters, cupped bloom form.  Prolific, blooms in flushes throughout the season.  Long sepals, ovoid buds.  
Medium, bushy, upright.  Large, matte, medium green, leathery foliage.  

Height: 4' (120cm).  
USDA zone 7b and warmer.  Can be used for cut flower or garden.  Spring Pruning: Remove old canes and dead or diseased wood and cut back canes that cross. In warmer climates, cut back the remaining canes by about one-third. In colder areas, you'll probably find you'll have to prune a little more than that.  Requires spring freeze protection (see glossary - Spring freeze protection) .  
Australia - Patent  on  1 Sep 2003
Application No: 1999/225  on  5 Aug 1999   VIEW PBR PATENT
Patent no: AU2285P
seed parent F1 (‘Meihelvet’ syn Sonia x ‘Korp’ syn Prominent) x pollen parent ‘Tanky’ syn Whiskey Mac. The seed parent is characterised by its taller height (1.5-2.0m), with pale yellow flowers. The pollen parent is characterised by apricot-yellow flowers, with a slightly spreading habit, and many prickles. Hybridisation took place in Wasco, California, USA. From this cross, the seedling later to become known as ‘TWOYEL’ was chosen in 1996 on the basis of flower colour. ...Breeder: Jeremiah F. Twomey, Wasco, CA, USA.
First sold in USA in 1999. First Australian sale 2000
Canada - Patent No: 1116  on  14 Jan 2002
Application No: 99-2053  on  24 Dec 1998
Rights revoked on May 31, 2006.
Breeder: Jeremiah Forster Twomey, Leucadia, United States of America
European Union - Patent  on  1999
New Zealand - Patent  on  1999
South Africa - Application  on  2001
United States - Patent No: PP 11,528  on  26 Sep 2000   VIEW USPTO PATENT
Application No: 09/220,903  on  24 Dec 1998
This plant has been designated as `TVOYEL`. It is being marketed in the USA under the tradename of `Dream Yellow`....The present invention relates to a new and distinctive cultivar of rose plant of the Hybrid Tea class, which was originated by my crossing an unnamed seedling (`Sonia.times.Prominent`) as the seed parent with the pollen parent `Whisky Mac`.