'Étoile de Lyon' rose References
Magazine (2019) Page(s) 49 & 51. Vol 41, No. 1. p49. Margaret Furness. Tea, Noisette and China Mislabels in Australia. Roses sold here as Mme de Watteville have proved to be either Mme Joseph Schwartz or Etoile de Lyon.
p51. ibid. Solfatare and Sulphurea match Etoile de Lyon.
Magazine (2016) Page(s) Table S2. etoile de lyon, Origin of the sample: Loubert Rose Garden, Genetic group 9, Percentage of assignation: 60.1, 1881, T, Guillot, Origin: France Lyon, Ploidy: 2, measured
Newsletter (May 2015) Page(s) 10. Vol 36, No. 3. Includes photo(s). Peter Holmes, President Bermuda Rose Society. "Bermuda's Anna Olivier" is our favourite for cutting. This has been moved from the 'Tea' classification (though it is obviously a Tea) because its colouration is at variance with the descriptions of 'Anna Olivier' grown elsewhere. The blooms can be as much as 3 1/2in.(9 cm) across. When the Australian authors of the book Tea Roses: Old Roses for Warm Gardens visited Bermuda in 2010, they were of the definite opinion that "Bermuda's Anna Olivier" is the rose 'Etoile de Lyon'. Gregg Lowery agrees with this identification.
Newsletter (Feb 2014) Page(s) 9. Includes photo(s). “MacCallum Yellow Tea” identified as ‘Etoile de Lyon’
Newsletter (Feb 2014) Page(s) 31. Jeff Wyckoff – Immediate Past President American Rose Society- USA. the 75th Bermuda Rose Show. The best exhibit in the show was ‘Bermuda’s Anna Olivier’ which tends to have softer pastel colouration than the Jean-Claude Ducher tea from 1872. Help Me Find™ states, without documentation, that “this rose has been identified as ‘Etoile de Lyon’”, a Guillot fils tea from 1881. However, the Combined Rose List lists ‘Bermuda’s Anna Olivier’ without synonyms, while the MR12 data base lists no synonyms for ‘Etoile de Lyon’. Yet another Bermuda rose mystery.
Note - refer to the September 23, 2010 comment to HelpMefind for clear documentation from Billy Teabag, who is one of the authors of 'Tea Roses, Old Roses for Warm Gardens'
Article (magazine) (2007) Page(s) 404. Table 1. Comparison of key volatile components in representative cultivated Chinese roses and species. [adsorption volume by Solid Phase Microextraction (peak area, x10')] DMMB: 1,3-dimethoxy-5-methylbenzene TMB: 1,3,5-trimehoxybenzene 'Etoile de Lyon' DMMB 12.9 TMB 0.24
Book (2003) Page(s) 152. Obtentions de J-B. Guillot fils 1881. Etoile de Lyon (T), Catalogue
Book (15 Oct 2001) Page(s) 97. Marijke Peterich. The Preservation of Old Garden Roses in Bermuda. "Bermuda Anna Olivier". This is a favourite cutting rose in Bermuda. We add Bermuida to the name as it is not the 'Anna Olivier' grown elsewhere. it is a vigorous bush, with good form, growing to a height of over six ft (1.8m). The foliage is light to medium green. Buds are pointed, showing faint pink colour and open to flesh or pale creamy-yellow high-centered blooms, sometimes tinged with pink. Turning a deeper yellow with maturity, the blooms can be as much as 3 1/2 inches (9cm) across. Blooms all year. Followed by a slide taken by Peter Harkness, of the same rose.
Book (3 Nov 1997) Page(s) 62. Includes photo(s). Bermuda's Anna Olivier Description... this rose has been moved from the 'Tea' classification (though it is obviously a Tea), because its colouration is at variance with the description of 'Anna Olivier' (Ducher 1872) grown elsewhere... flesh or pale creamy-yellow high-centred blooms sometimes tinged with pink. Turning a deeper yellow with maturity...
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 165. Étoile de Lyon Tea, medium yellow, 1881, Guillot, P. Description.