'Ethel Sanday' rose References
Book (1961) Page(s) 118. W. C. Thorn. What's In A Name. then there are the two seedlings of Past-President Oliver Mee introduced by W. J. W. Sanday - the first named 'Ethel Sanday' after his wife....
Website/Catalog (1959) Page(s) 29. Ethel Sanday (Oliver Mee 1954) Fiori oro puro senza alcuna sfumatura. Adatta per giardino e per fiori recisi. Translation: Flowers pure gold yellow without any undertone. Suitable for gardens and cut flowers.
Book (1958) Page(s) 105. Ethel Sanday. HT. (Mee; int. Sanday, '54.) Rex Anderson X Audrey Cobden. Large (4-5 in.), dbl. (34 petals), well formed, slightly fragrant, yellow-flushed apricot. Fol. dark. Vig., upright; very free bloom. (28) NRS Gold Medal, '53.
Book (1956) Page(s) 28. Harry H. Hazlewood. Some New Roses For 1956. Ethel Sanday, HT. (Oliver Mee 1954). Shapely double yellow exhibition blooms sometimes flushed apricot. This is one of the leading varieties of recent years. It received a Trial Ground Certificate from the N.R.S. and later a gold medal from the same body. Like all yellow varieties this gives its best colour in mild cloudy weather. ('Rex Anderson' x 'Audrey Cobden')