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'PEKcougel' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 21-797
most recent 3 OCT 07 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 3 OCT 07 by Judith C.
Perhaps I should have started a new 'comment' so the information about suppliers comes up to the top! Thanks!!
Discussion id : 20-977
most recent 21 AUG 07 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 21 AUG 07 by Judith C.
Apparently it is impossible to obtain this rose here in France. Pépinière des Farguettes do not have it. I've been all the way round and even asked André Eve who can usually find any rose for me. The answer is that it is only grown by the professionals for florists ...

3rd October:
Have just received an email from Nirpinternational - in reply to my message of 22nd August on their website. Anna is apparently available at their nursery:
TEL: 0329657020
If anyone else is interested ... :-)
Discussion id : 7-988
most recent 4 APR 05 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 4 APR 05 by Unregistered Guest
I saw these beautiful roses in the flower markets of France and have been trying to acquire bushes ever since. Paul Pekaz bred this rose in France in 1990. The US patent #008277. Florists can order the cut stems. I'm looking for several of the bushes to grow. Any Help?
Discussion id : 49
most recent 25 FEB 04 SHOW ALL
Initial post 25 FEB 04 by Unregistered Guest
Hi, My name is David Mears and I saw this rose in Australia at the beginning of 1991 in an iglo. Iwas also privileged to see many more of Paul,s roses. My question to the world is he still breeding and if so how may I find his contact point or his other wonderful roses to view. Many thanks.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 17 MAY 03 by Unregistered Guest
Do you mean Paul Barden? Here is a website by Paul Barden with the most beautiful and intersting roses, also some bread by himself.

If not, sorry, you should write this questíon here once more, so that someone else can read it.
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