'Irish Beauty' rose References
Newsletter (Feb 2010) Page(s) 39. Major Chemical Compounds (%) responsible for fragrance in Selected Cultivars.... 'Elizabeth of Glamis' Phenylethanol 19.4; Phenylethyl acetate 24.5; Hexyl acetate 20.4
Booklet (2008) An Information List of all Varieties. p4 1964. Elizabeth of Glamis - Macel. Nicknamed Budapest. For H.M. the Queen Mother.
Book (2004) Page(s) 219. Includes photo(s). 'Elizabeth of Glamis'. Floribunda. Syns: 'Elisabeth'', 'Irish Beauty'. MACel. Bred by McGredy (UK) and introduced in 1964, this rose is named for the late Queen Mother, whose ancestral home was Glamis Castle in Scotland. Clusters of shapely buds open to very large, well-formed, double, salmon-orange flowers. Foliage is dark green and abundant on a medium-sized, bushy shrub. Flower production is very high and the repeat is good. I don't know why it had the alternative name 'Irish Beauty' as the Queen Mother was a Scottish Beauty in her day. ('Spartan' x 'Highlight'). NRS President's International Trophy 1963. Zones 7-9.
Book (Dec 1998) Page(s) 220-221. Includes photo(s). Elizabeth of Glamis (MACel, 'Elisabeth', 'Irish Beauty') Floribunda. McGredy (UK) 1964... a luminous salmon-orange...
Book (Jul 1996) Page(s) 21. Includes photo(s). Elizabeth of Glamis Cluster-flowered bush (Floribunda) McGredy (Northern Ireland) 1964. ('Irish Beauty') Description.
Book (1996) Page(s) 33. Elizabeth of Glamis ('Irish Beauty') Cluster-Flowered (Floribunda)... clusters of double orange-salmon urn-shaped blooms... McGredy (Northern Ireland) 1964. Named in honour of The Queen Mother.
Book (1994) Page(s) 122. Elizabeth of Glamis Description... One of the world's most beautiful and most fragrant Floribundas. The colour is a soft mixture of salmon with a golden base... it can be tender in hard winters... It was named for Her Majesty the Queen Mother...
Book (Sep 1993) Page(s) 161. Includes photo(s). Elizabeth of Glamis Cluster-flowered. (MACel, 'Irish Beauty') Description... soft shades of salmon... the first Cluster-flowered Rose ever to win the RNRS's premier award for fragrance... Sam McGredy 1964... the first rose to be granted copyright protection in Britain. Elizabeth of Glamis is that expert rosarian, the Queen Mother. A beauty in her day, though not an Irish one, Her Majesty descends from an ancient Scottish family. Parentage: 'Spartan' x 'Highlight'.
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 156. Elizabeth of GlamisĀ® Floribunda, light orange-salmon, 1964, (MACel; 'Irish Beauty'); 'Spartan' x 'Highlight'; McGredy, S., IV. Description.
Book (1993) Page(s) 161. Includes photo(s).