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'Jin Pin Fan Lu' rose References
Magazine  (2017)  Page(s) 16. Vol 39, N0. 3.  
Anita Clevenger and Beck Hook.  La Roseraie du Desert..... Here is a more comprehensive list of the various Chinese Heritage roses that we have acquired:  Tea Types.   Jin Pin Fan Lu
Magazine  (2009)  Page(s) 17. Vol 31, No. 3.  
Helga Brichet: expedition in search of horticultural roses in China was led by Dr. Yoshihiro Ueda, who in 2006 gave me cuttings of some of the roses they found. Some of these roses found by Prof. Ueda's expedition, the majority dating to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) are: ....and Jin Pin Fan Lou, a variety found on Mount Omei, the name of which is unknown...
Book  (1988)  Page(s) 34.  
Mentioned in the book Variety of Roses [which] was probably published during the time of Emperor Jia Qing (1796-1820): "with the development of the fertile Yang Zhou area in Yangtse River Valley... roses evolved through hybridization... this book describes ten considered most rare and precious among the thousands available at the time." [The ten roses mentioned are 'Lan Tian Bi', 'Jin Ou Fan Lu', 'Kuo Guo Dan Zhuang', 'Yu Shi Zhuang', 'Chi Long Han Zhu', 'Liu Zhao Jin Fen', 'Shui Yue Zhuang', 'Xiao Feng Chan Yue', 'Bolumi', and 'Chun Shui Lu Bo'.] Jin Ou Fan Lu "a golden bird splashing in water"...
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