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'Edmond Proust' rose References
Website/Catalog  (25 Aug 2014)  
Registered Name: 'Edmond Proust'
ARS Approved Exhibition Name: Edmond Proust
HWich, pb, 1903, Barbier; .........
Magazine  (2010)  Page(s) 40. Vol 32, No. 3.  
Pat Toolan. Roses And Irises in New Zealand.
Elsie (Lucas) also has many, many roses such as the rose that was believed in NZ to be 'May Queen' until it found its rightful name of 'Edmund Proust'
Newsletter  (2007)  Page(s) 57. Vol 28, No. 3.  
The strange saga of 'May Queen'. by LLoyd Chapman, Otaki.
Early in their career as old rose nurserymen, Lloyd and Ann Chapman were given a cutting of a rambling rose, rescued from a historic Taranaki property, Hurworth House. They propagated the rose, and gave it the study name "Hurworth House". It was given to friends, and when it received favourable comments, Lloyd was asked to sell it in the nursery. As a passionate collector of wichuraiana ramblers, he was more than happy to do so. His collection of Barbier ramblers was already one of the biggest in the world. After much discussion, which involved poring over many rose catalogues and books, it was decided that the rose was 'May Queen', an 1898 wichuraiana rambler from van Fleet of America. Lloyd chose to overlook the possibility that it could be Barbier's Edmond Proust of 1903. Some years later, Jocelen Janon queried Lloyd on 'May Queen', suggesting that it was more likely 'Edmond Proust'. In 2003 Lloyd & Ann went to Sangerhausen, the German rose museum where they photographed 'Edmond Proust'. Recently, Lloyd saw this rose in I 'Hay les Roses, the famous Parisian garden. In both cases it appeared that the rose called 'May Queen' in New Zealand is indeed 'Edmond Proust'. Lloyd believes that since Trinity Farm has been in operation, hundreds of 'May Queen's would have been sold or given away. Hundreds of old rose lovers have enjoyed the wonderful pink rambler with a fragrance of apples, glossy dark green foliage and deep pink blooms with a deeper quartered centre. They should now know that this wonderful rose is most likely Barbier's wichuraiana rambler 'Edmond Proust'.
Book  (2007)  Page(s) 203.  
'Edmond Proust' (Barbier, 1901). W. R. wichuraiana x 'Souvenir de Catherine Guillot' (Ch). Lt. pink w/carmine.
Book  (2006)  Page(s) 272.  
Edmond Proust. Rambler. (Large-Flowered Climber) Occasional rebloom. Outstanding fragrance. Habit 3 [e.g. Dorothy Perkins] Barbier, 1903. [Provenance: Belovich]. Not a one among you could resist this rose! Broad rounded flowers blend the purest rose pink with carmine, each petal folded down the center, then crimped sideways; the whole is crushed in a bundle and hung high on a stem.....
Website/Catalog  (2005)  Page(s) 18.  
Edmond Proust (Per ARS, LCl]. Barbier, 1903. R. wichurana x 'Souv. de Catherine Guillot'). We beg to differ with the American Rose Society! 'Edmond Proust' is definitely a RAMBLER of half-wichurana breeding. Very double blooms are pale rose & carmine, the deeper pink at the centers, fading to pale pink and finally white at the petal's edge. Blooms are borne in clusters of 3-6, on a plant climber to about 12 feet. (Donated by Anne Belovich).
Book  (2003)  Page(s) 169.  
Edmond Proust (Barbier, 1902 or 1903).
Book  (19 Apr 2000)  Page(s) 141.  
Edmond Proust, LCl, mr, 1903; flowers pale rose and carmine, large, borne in clusters of 3-6, very dbl., sparse seasonal bloom, moderate fragrance; foliage glossy; short stems; height 5-8 ft; {R. wichurana X Souv. de Catherine Guillot}; Barbier
Magazine  (1991)  Page(s) 6. Vol 1, No. 1.  
Tony Lord. Roseraie de L'Hay
....and my favourite of all the unusual varieties I saw, Edmond Proust, a soft creamy pink shading to rich pink at the centre.
Book  (1940)  Page(s) 16.  
Barbier & Co., Orléans, France. ['Edmond Proust']
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