'Hon. George Bancroft' rose References
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 250. Hon. George Bancroft Hybrid Tea, red shaded violet-crimson, 1879, 'Mme. de St. Joseph' x 'Lord Macaulay'; Bennett. Description.
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 326. Hon. George Bancroft Hybrid Tea. Henry Bennett 1880
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 278. Hon. George Bancroft Hybrid Tea. Bennett, 1880. From 'Mme. de St.-Joseph' (Tea) x 'Lord Macaulay' (Hybrid Perpetual). The author cites information from different sources... Red, shaded with violet crimson...
Book (1985) Page(s) 28. Hon. George Bancroft [one of Bennett's ten Pedigree hybrids]... red, but not an attractive colour, and the pretty buds opened to disappointing flowers. The Hon. George was, to Bennett, potentially a valuable introduction to the American market. He was a distinguished American historian who served as Miniaster to Great Britain, from 1846-49. He was also a great rose enthusiast.
Book (1936) Page(s) 50. Bancroft, Hon. Georges (HT) Bennett 1880; M. St. Josephe X L. Macaulay; crimson-pink, shaded purple, large, double, semi-globular, fine habit, beautiful, fragrance 8/10, growth 5/10.
Booklet (1899) Page(s) 14. Hon. George Bancroft (HT) Bennett 1878. S. G. Rosy-crimson, large, full and vigorous; a good dark crimson variety.
Book (1899) Page(s) 79. Honorable George Bancroft, HT, Bennett, 1880, cramois nuancé
Book (1891) Page(s) 178. Hon. George Bancroft,* rosy-crimson; a full and well-formed new Rose of much promise.
Book (1889) Page(s) 148. Hybrid tea-scented roses. Honourable Georges Bancroft (Bennett 1879). Very large, vivid carmine-pink shaded with purple. Floriferous variety. Descends from Mme. de St. Josephe and Lord Macaulay. This rose was represented at the 1884 international exhibition in Petersburg and the 1887 international horticultural Exhibition in Dresden with very beautiful examples, outstanding for its bright colour.
Book (1885) Page(s) Vol. I, p. 373. Hyb. thé. Honorable Georg Baneroff. Bennett 1879. (Madame de Saint-Joseph et Lord Macaulay). Grande fleur de même forme que celle de Lord Macaulay; coloris beau cramoisi rose ombré de pourpre, très belle, demi-globuleuse, très-odorante; arbuste moyen; très bonne rose à forcer.