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'Flammenrose' References
Book  (Apr 1999)  Page(s) 465.  
Flammenrose Translation: "Flame-Rose". Pernetiana. Türke/Kiese 1920. Parentage: Either 'Mrs. E.G. Hill' or 'Mrs. Joseph Hill' x 'Mme. Édouard Herriot'. The author cites information from different sources... Coppery red...
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 263.  
Flammenrose (Hybrid Lutea) Türke 1921; Mrs. J. Hill X M.E. Herriot; bright orange-yellow to coral-red, base yellow, red streaks, medium-size, semi-double, solitary or up to 4, fragrance 4/10, floriferous, repeats well, long & strong stems, growth 6/10, upright. Sangerhausen
Website/Catalog  (1933)  Page(s) 86.  
Flammenrose (Pernetiana). Edge amaranth-pink (8,5 la/9 la), center salmon-pink to scarlet-pink (6/7,5 ia/la) ...Low garden plants 1 piece RM [Reichsmark] -.50  semi-standards 1 piece RM 1.- standards 1 piece RM 1.60

[no longer listed in the 1934 catalogue]
Website/Catalog  (1929)  Page(s) 17.  
Everblooming Roses
The so-called Everblooming Roses include the Hybrid Tea and Pernetiana groups. They do not bloom all the time, but if kept healthy and growing steadily, one crop of flowers succeeds another at brief intervals.
Flammenrose. Pernetiana. (Türke, 1921.) Orange-yellow of an intense shade distinguishes this semi-double Rose, which is borne in sprays on long, strong stems by a very vigorous and healthy bush.
Another descendant of Mme. Edouard Herriot, reported to be a stronger grower and to bear yellower flowers. Recommended for bedding and mass effect. $1.50 each.
Website/Catalog  (1925)  Page(s) 81.  
Best rose novelties of the last years...
Flammenrose (Pernetiana 1922). Coral-red, base yellow, streaked red. Low-grafted garden plants 1 piece G.-M. [Gold-Mark] 2.-
Website/Catalog  (1925)  Page(s) 19.  
(Irish) Single-bloomed Hybrid Tea roses ... Flammenrose, Hybrid Lutea, 1921, the blooms which stand on sturdy stalks remind of Mme Ed. Herriot, but more orange-yellow, leathery healthy foliage.
Website/Catalog  (1924)  Page(s) 55.  
Carmine-red to dark red...Flammenrose, red
Website/Catalog  (1923)  Page(s) 42.  
Pernetianas ...  Flammenrose (Türke, 1921). Copper-red. f 1.00.
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